Post- Habermas

I really enjoyed Habermas reading. I found it to be innovative and unbiased for a theorist of that time. He gives the idea of romanticizing modernity, “ the project of modernity has not yet been fulfilled”, and the question that if he is ready to give up modernity. I believe that modernity it’s never ending and it keeps evolving as time goes by. Within this process, there has been devastation. Modernism breaks from traditionalism to avant-gardism, this is the real shift that this movement is always creating.The idea of devastation comes to show when you see how some people create backlash towards change. “The twentieth century has shattered this optimism” (103), with modernism progressive growth, those who fear the new and change. These people are considered to be neoconservatives;“Neoconservative doctrines turn our attention precisely away from such societal processes: they project the causes, which they do not bring to light, onto the plane of subversive culture and its advocate.” (102).
Habermas also ties capitalism to his theory. We now live in a world that is driven by power and fear. As much as we do not want to, we now depend and stay in capitalism's game. They need us to stay consumers, and we need them to survive. We are a society that is never satisfied, we want new and improved. In today’s world, we are also driven by ‘Hyperstimulated sensitivity’ (101). This reminded me of the idea of freedom of speech, and how in the present is used to each individuals. People use it to their advantage and to express anything they want, to the point some might express unacceptable thoughts. As an example, in today's republican party sometimes express their hatred through their freedom of speech. So to what extent can a society be hypersensitive, what excuses or decides when its enough or when it has gone out of control?
