Post-Blog Ideology

Ideology. Louis Althusser really challenges us to understand the reality of the world we live in. I enjoyed the reading his writing because it helps to create a more concise way to understand a different and very interesting way to understand the a society or person can avoid ideology. Ideology can also be seen as one's consciousness. Therefore, I like the idea that the books present of ideology vs. allusion, or ideology= allusion. Marx can argue that "it is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence but their social existence that determines their consciousness"?. Therefore social ruling oversteps and has more power than one's own identity, which then leads to manipulate our choice to follow and believe a certain ideology. As an example= me being a senior, I want to each week to pass fast so I can get to the weekend to relax. But when I check up, I see that 9 weeks have already past and we basically only have a month and two weeks left of fall semester, I wish time would go slower. Religion is a big and powerful function in his ISA analysis. Religion have a plethora of different perspectives and interpretations, even within their own Religion. Just like Joy, I went to a pretty strong catholic/ christian school were mass was a mandatory thing every friday. It now got to the point where I can’t stand being in a mass. Also, when looking at the ISA religion, it reminded me of the current situation that’s going on in Rollins with CRU and Intervarsity wanting to come back on campus. They are both extremist evangelical groups, that in order for them to have a position and be recognized on campus, President Cornwall has to decide whether to take down the non-discriminatory policy. Both of these group follow the bible to the letter, and believe that no one thats LGBTQ+ is allowed to have a leadership position in their groups. The bible says many things that are not accepted now a days. Are these groups following this religious rules because, “the bible says so”, or they just don't want to accept that they are homophobic.


  1. I particularly liked your connection to ISA religion and Rollins' situation regarding ideology. While culture tends to change over time, we oddly do not change rules and continue to follow things of the past. Similar to you and Joy, I also attended a strict Catholic school as a child. However, I do not claim to still follow the faith because the Church's ideology is not in line with my own. Although President Cornwell's decision on Cru may be a difficult one, I am impressed that he is speaking to faculty/staff and allowing for opinion. The Church, conversely, remains steadfast in its beliefs and traditions. What if organizations like Cru addressed others' concerns or looked critically at some of their beliefs? Could their ideology change?

    I believe this organization encompasses the Althusser's quote well: "Those who are in ideology believe themselves by definition outside ideology" (48.). For CRU, their beliefs may seem so "normal" or "true" and can be compared to Althusser's example of saying hello (something very ordinary). The organization may not recognize their words or actions as ideology because they are natural to them and a form of their reality. However, what happens to society when others have dangerous realities/ideologies?

  2. that comment was by me! (Kelsey) I'm not sure why it appears as unknown.


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