For my pre-blog post I decided to focus on the reading from Foucault on survalience and the male "gaze." One quote that stood out to me the most about survalience was "Our society is one not of spectacle, but of surveillance." At first when I read the quote I was extremely confused on what the meaning behind it was but I further interpreted it into my own life and that helped immensely. The quote speaks about how our society is always keeping each other in place. We are living our everyday lives in survalience but it seems natural to us. However, we spoke in class about if we are aware of the amount we are being surveyed, it becomes invasive. I think this quote ties into social media today and the meaning behind what we post. When we post what we are doing to our followers, are we just searching for validation that we are in the right spot? In class we spoke about how when we do not post for a while on social media, people often ask where you have been and why you are so disconnected as if it is a bad thing to refain from media usage. This quote explains how we are living in a society of suvalience in the fact that now online we are being surveyed in what we post and how we present ourselves.
Another part of the reading I thought was interesting was the "male gaze" aspect he mentions. In class, we discussed that everything is under the male gaze and women have been found to actually be driven from the male gaze. Women are taught from a young age that we must be aware that we are being looked at. Athough this doesn't have to be in the context of sexuality, it is presented at a young age that womens appearances are important. Overall, I thought this was interesting with the fact that women are driven by this gaze, something I would have never expected.
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